Nationwide walks of witness every Easter throughout the UK

Three Steps To Setup A Walk:

Step 1 - Contact other church leaders or ministers in your area. We may have emailed churches in your town with a Nationwide Walk Of Witness flyer.

Step 2 - Come together to appoint a coordinator and organiser for your walk. Register your town or city walk on our database to inform other churches who may wish to join with you. Include in your entry, information on how to contact your walk coordinator.

Step 3 - Identify a suitable location to assemble the walk. Any open space, local park, car park, recreation grounds. Office block car parks, government or council building car parks are not in use on Good Friday. (Permission for their use is easily sought and usually given) Identify a suitable central location for your walk to culminate, town centre area, municipal gardens, Town Hall precincts, etc: any central location where the public gather, suitable for holding a short Christian service. (seek council permission) Contact your local police (write to your Chief Superintendent) Ask for police permission and supervision for your walk.

Insurance. (Your normal church public liability will usually cover you for any such event).

Find a suitable assembly Point           Find a suitable location for a service.