Nationwide walks of witness every Easter throughout the UK

 Today, when the cross and all it stands for is seen as no longer relevant in the lives of many, there is an urgent need for a powerful ongoing and public statement of faith.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if every Good Friday, in every Town and City in our land, there was a walk of witness to the Cross and the Saving Power of Christ?

The centrality of the Cross and the celebration of the Good Friday message accross the denominations, provide the opportunity for a united witness to the people of our nation.

The times demand and our nation requires a strong and ongoing witness to the Christian belief.

Many towns and villages already hold walks or marches of witness.

Have you considered having this powerful witness in your town? Would you unite with your local churches in this statement of Christian belief? This website has been set up to facilitate this happening.

Will you be part of the battle for this generation and this Nation?